Page name: The Pirate World [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-09-21 06:53:46
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The Rule's Are Simple:

1-Drink Rum
2-Fight For What You Want
3-Be Krazy
4-Don't Get Mad over every little Thing
5-if a character doesn't wanna be with you dont push it!
6->-< Damn it! >-> i forgot 6...=.=;;

[Member's Will Sign Below!:]

It's Simple To Just Fallow Some Steps >-< You Better Not Be Drunk!

Character Name:
Abilities/Job description:


Username:[¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]
Character Name:Jade
Personality:...Drinking...funny...stubborn...bad temper (when sober)...friendly?
Abilities/Job description: looking for a crew to join o_O
Weapons: masket,sword,pistol,anything?
History:...grown up as a pirate [i'll say no more]

Username:[Ŧaiĸ¡ ≈§hadow Warrior≈]
Character Name:Taiki
Personality:quiet......wants to drink alot [O.o make sure your pants are on tight when he's around]......
Abilities/Job description: works as a merc or will work with anyone who pays the most
Weapons:two flintlock pistols, a sabre, a flintlock rife, and a musket [O.o]
History:daddy kick him out the door so he became a pirate

Username:[InLoveDontBothe r]
Character Name:Captain Jack Sparrow
Age:18(i know he looks older)
Personality:Drinks a lot...womanizer(duhh) yet dumb at the same time...crazy
Abilities/Job description: Can do almost anything he sets his mind to. captain of the Black Pearl
Weapons: musket,sword,pistol,anything
History:Daddy raised him to be a pirate. Had a brief affair with Morgana.[sorry kitty...had to :D]
Character Name: Jack(Undead monkey)
Description:Cute undead monkey
Weapons:His teeth

Username: [Ritsuka-Kun]
Character Name: Morgana
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Personality: she's nice and caring but sometimes lets what she wants get in the way of what really needs to be. she tries not to drink. she gets kinda funny when she does and very pervy
Description: pic
Abilities/Job description: a captain of one of the finest pirate ships on the sea ^^
Weapons: two pistols and her sword
History: she came from a rich background but was unhappy with her life so she turned to pirating. now she'll take any chance to shoot jack in teh groin :D [tis k XD]

Username: [Ritsuka-Kun]
Character Name: Morph [omg from treasure planet :D epic :D]
Age: unknown
Gender: unknown
Personality: he's nice and very random and likes to play pranks on people
Description: pic
Abilities/Job description: he's morgana's friend and he can shift into whatever he wants
Weapons: none
History: unknown

Username: [wolvie]
Character Name: Marty :D
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Personality: A freaking amazing and awesome person who everyone loves :D nah he's pretty amazing though and he's never once drinken anything @_@ we must fix that!
Description: [pic]
Abilities/Job description: he sneaks onto ships and steals stuff :D
Weapons: two pistols
History: he ran away from home at the age of 15 and has been a thief ever since

Character Name: Marilin Coast, a.k.a Evil Maril
Personality:Easy going and money hungry. Someone that you wouldn't want to mess with when she's pissed. Can be cutthroat if she need be.
Description:Tomboyish woman with red hair
Abilities/Job description:To cheat during a card game with out being caught. Steal, plunder, and smile at death. Really good with guns and swords. But mostly guns. Most of all, has experience on her side.
Weapons:Musket on her right and a sword to her left. Her hidden pistol on her leg. And also some cheats in her small bags.
History:Tough woman that often disguises herself as a man. With her thirst for adventure, she takes route towards being a pirate. Even though she owns her own ship and part of a town(by inheritance).

User Name: [Dead_Man_Walking]
Charactor name: Edword Teach, AKA, Black Beard
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Personality: Mean. Not easy to get along with.
Discription: Average size black hair
Abillitys/Job description: Caption of the Queen Anne's Revenge. Fighter, Theaf, Murder, and Pirate.
Weapion: Ship, Musket, 6 Pistals, Cutless (Sowrd), Blunder Buss, daggers, cannon, and German long blade (sowrd).

Username:[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]
Character Name:Ferra
Personality:Spunky, maybe a little trigger happy
Abilities/Job description:She doesn't have a job right now...
Weapons:ummm, a pistol and a couple swords.
History:She grew up as a pirate, her father was one of the most feared captins. She was close to her father and older brother. After her father passed her brother took over his ship... But something happened and now the two of them are stranded on land
((I'll make the brothers profile once I think of it))

Username: [Sky Chord]
Character Name: Axel
Age: Says he's 80
Gender: Male
Personality: Loyal, Quiet, somewhat >//> pervy
Description: (Picture)
Abilities/Job description: Captain/(Navy Captain)
Weapons: Pistol, Sword, a "belt", his teeth...O-o'
History: A navy captain, deciding if he should truely become a pirate..or just turn everyone in.

Username (or number or email):


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2009-06-25 [wolvie]: Marty follows Morgana

2009-06-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana orders a couple of bottles of rum.

2009-06-25 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack watches Marty and Morgana walk past him cuz they dont notice him. He shrugs and drinks more rum.

2009-06-25 [Ŧaiĸ¡ ≈§hadow Warrior≈]: (Taiki: (stands up then he gos and sits with jack)

2009-06-25 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack looks at Taiki. "Can i help u?"

2009-06-25 [wolvie]: Marty looks at the rum curriously

2009-06-25 [Ŧaiĸ¡ ≈§hadow Warrior≈]: Taiki: (looks at jack) just wanting to sit here and who are these two?

2009-06-25 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack points. "That good looking wench goes by the name Morgana. The other guy i have no idea"

2009-06-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana drinks a little, "dont be shy down a few"

2009-06-25 [Ŧaiĸ¡ ≈§hadow Warrior≈]: Taiki: (chuckles at jack) good luck mate and 25 chillings i can break the boy

2009-06-25 [wolvie]: Marty nods and drinks a sip of the rum

2009-06-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana nods and sips more.

2009-06-25 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack checks his money pouch. "Lets make it 30 mate, savvy?"

2009-06-25 [Ŧaiĸ¡ ≈§hadow Warrior≈]: Taiki: (nods at jack) 30 it is then

2009-06-25 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack takes out 30 and sets it on the table.

2009-06-25 [Ŧaiĸ¡ ≈§hadow Warrior≈]: Taiki: (spills a small pouch fill with 30 chillings then he walks to marty as he reaches him he takes a seat beside him)ahoy matey

2009-06-25 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack sips his rum and watches. "This could be good"

2009-06-25 [wolvie]: Marty tilts his head at Taiki, "Lo?"

2009-06-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana pulls out her pistol aiming it at Taiki, "Go away and leave a member of my crew alone"

2009-06-25 [Ŧaiĸ¡ ≈§hadow Warrior≈]: Taiki: (looks at morgana) really mate am just here to give a friendly hello

2009-06-25 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack watches. He chuckles. "Easiest 30 u ever made Jackie boy"

2009-06-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana, "Ive got damn good hearing whats this i hear about breaking him?"

2009-06-25 [Ŧaiĸ¡ ≈§hadow Warrior≈]: Taiki: (grabs marty using him as a human shield as he draws his pistol at morgana) hehe this is fun

2009-06-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana rolls her eyes then moves quickly pulling Marty and stands in front of him, "Ive been trained by the best now be gone"

2009-06-25 [wolvie]: Marty rolls his eyes and elbows Taiki in the gut, pulling away easily and getting his pistols out, aiming both at him, "Lower your gun"

2009-06-25 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack smiles. "Wow. Rum and a show"

2009-06-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana aims hers as well at Taiki, "Listen to him" she smirked, "Ya know what marty you get a promotion"

2009-06-25 [Ŧaiĸ¡ ≈§hadow Warrior≈]: Taiki: (backs away abit as he turns his back then he twists swiftly drawing his hidden pistol shooting both of marty's gun out of his hand as his other pistol shoots hitting morgana out of her hand then he draws his sabre) ^-^

2009-06-25 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack jumps slightly. "Nice"

2009-06-25 [wolvie]: Marty winces and drops his guns, clutching at his hands, "Fuck!"

2009-06-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana dashes forward as she ducks beneath his blade landing a swift punch to Taiki's nose then pulls Marty along so they both exit the pub.

2009-06-25 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack claps, then scoops up the money. "Pleasure doin business"

2009-06-25 [Ŧaiĸ¡ ≈§hadow Warrior≈]: (as he falls back he quickly gets up then he tosses a dagger into marty's ankle causing him to fall)

2009-06-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana helps Marty back to the ship and tends to his wound.

2009-06-26 [Ŧaiĸ¡ ≈§hadow Warrior≈]: Taiki: (gets up then he gos back to jack sitting down)

2009-06-26 [wolvie]: Marty winces and shakes a little, "What the hell was that all about? We didn't do a damned thing to them"

2009-06-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana, "they're just trying to be big and bad but it just shows how childish they are"

2009-06-26 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack smiles and puts the money in his pouch. "Well. That went well"

2009-06-26 [Ŧaiĸ¡ ≈§hadow Warrior≈]: Taiki: (nods at jack) blood trail they made

2009-06-26 [wolvie]: Marty nods and frowns at his ankle, "I don't think I can swab the deck for awhile"

2009-06-26 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack looks at the trail. "Ur point?"

2009-06-26 [Ŧaiĸ¡ ≈§hadow Warrior≈]: Taiki: (looks at jack) loot their ship if the trail gos that far

2009-06-26 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack finally gets it and nods. "50-50?"

2009-06-26 [Ŧaiĸ¡ ≈§hadow Warrior≈]: Taiki: (nods) 50-50 it is

2009-06-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana quickly sets sail and is far out to sea then goes back to Marty and nods, "It'll be ok. We're from that port now"

2009-06-26 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack smiles and holds out his hand. "So we have an accord?"

2009-06-26 [Ŧaiĸ¡ ≈§hadow Warrior≈]: Taiki: (shakes jack's hand) yes we do

2009-06-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana leans over the railing as her ship gets farther away and out of sight of the port.

2009-06-26 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack smiles. "Good." He calls the bar keep. "2 bottles of ur best rum"

2009-06-26 [wolvie]: Marty follows after Morgana, limping lightly, "I'm sorry..."

2009-06-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana smiles, "for what?"

2009-06-26 [Ŧaiĸ¡ ≈§hadow Warrior≈]: Taiki: (nods at jack) cheers mate

2009-06-26 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack nods. "Cheers." He drinks from his bottle.

2009-06-26 [Ŧaiĸ¡ ≈§hadow Warrior≈]: Taiki: (drinks from his bottle)

2009-06-26 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack drains his bottle. He looks at it. "Y is the rum gone?"

2009-06-26 [wolvie]: Marty, "Makin us have to leave"

2009-06-26 [Ŧaiĸ¡ ≈§hadow Warrior≈]: Taiki: (looks at jack) yup gone

2009-06-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana shakes her head, "wasnt your fault. i dont usually stay that long at ports with idiots like jack in them"

2009-06-26 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack nods. "Always happens"

2009-06-26 [wolvie]: Marty nods a little

2009-06-26 [Ŧaiĸ¡ ≈§hadow Warrior≈]: Taiki: (stands up then walks back to the ship)

2009-06-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana smiles, "dont worry if its any consolation you'd make one hell of a 2nd captain"

2009-06-26 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack stands up and stumbles after Taiki.

2009-06-26 [Ŧaiĸ¡ ≈§hadow Warrior≈]: Taiki: (looks back at jack) come on mate

2009-06-26 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack keeps stumbling. "The rum makes this interesting"

2009-06-26 [Ŧaiĸ¡ ≈§hadow Warrior≈]: Taiki: (walks onto the ship) dont fall

2009-06-26 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack, "Puh-lease. I can make it on a ship sober or drunk." Jack walks up the ramp perfectly, but misjudges the last step and faceplants on the deck.

2009-06-26 [Ŧaiĸ¡ ≈§hadow Warrior≈]: Taiki: (looks at jack chuckling()

2009-06-26 [wolvie]: Marty smiles back, "Well thanks but I don't think I'd be that good"

2009-06-26 [Ŧaiĸ¡ ≈§hadow Warrior≈]: (he tosses a dagger off the ship making it cut the rope then he begins to sail east)

2009-06-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana, "like hell you wouldnt. you are officially my 2nd captain"

2009-06-26 [wolvie]: Marty can't help but chuckle, "After one day? Aren't there more quallified people?"

2009-06-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana, "nah"

2009-06-26 [wolvie]: Marty smiles, "Well what did I do to deserve that?"

2009-06-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana smiles back, "you had some very good moves back there in that pub"

2009-06-26 [wolvie]: Marty tilts his head slightly, "I did?"

2009-06-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana nods, "better than most of my men"

2009-06-26 [wolvie]: Marty, "Well what did I do that was so good?"

2009-06-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana shrugs, "dont know"

Morph zips around Marty.

2009-06-26 [wolvie]: Marty jumps a little and looks at Morph, "What the?"

2009-06-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana giggles as Morph stops and shifts into a mini form of Marty on her shoulder then back into his regular form, "This is morph"

2009-06-26 [wolvie]: Marty smiles, "Weird little thing

2009-06-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana smiles back, "he can be"

2009-06-26 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack wakes up and looks around. "This is not my house"

[epic hangover first line :D]

2009-06-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana tilts her head at Jack, "how the hell did you get on my ship?"

2009-06-26 [InLoveDontBothe r]: JAck sits up. "Ur ship? last i remember i was with Taiki and we got on his ship. I think..." Jack rubs his head trying to remember.

2009-06-26 [wolvie]: Marty see's Jack then growls

2009-06-26 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack looks at Marty. "U again?"

2009-06-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana aims a pistol at Jack, "up now"

2009-06-26 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack stands up. He raises his hands. "I had nuthing to do with Taiki messing with Marty"

2009-06-26 [wolvie]: Marty pulls out his own pistol's and aims them at Jack two, "You heard the lady"

2009-06-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana, "Like hell you didnt where's the 30 shillings betted" she held out her hand, "I demand them or im neutering you with my pistol"

2009-06-26 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack reaches to his pouch and gives Morgana the 30. "Parlay?"

2009-06-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana chuckles, "Pirate code is more of a guideline. Not all pirates follow it. And i dont follow it"

2009-06-26 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack looks a little scared. "But today u will follow it as u r a nice pirate and theres one other very important reason..."

2009-06-26 [wolvie]: Marty watches the two

2009-06-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana pulls out her other pistol aiming it at his groin making sure they were ready to fire, "and that would be? and for you im not a nice pirate"

2009-06-26 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack smiles. "Im Captain Jack Sparrow"

2009-06-26 [wolvie]: Marty -,- then fires a shot just above Jack's shoulder

2009-06-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana laughs when Marty does that, "i dont give a fuck who you are"

2009-06-26 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack flinches. "Then remember the great time we had together back in the day" Jack refers to the brief 2 month affair he had with Morgana.

2009-06-26 [wolvie]: Marty tilts his head slightly

2009-06-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana cocks her pistol, "yea i remember all those other women too"

2009-06-26 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack nods. "But at the time u were the only one."

2009-06-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana, "no i wasnt and i knew it"

2009-06-26 [wolvie]: Marty shakes his head, "Bastard"

2009-06-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana pushed him off of her ship.

2009-06-27 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack splashes in the water and surfaces. "Morgana...i still love u!!" [Jacks kissing major ass...dont u agree kitty?]

2009-06-28 [wolvie]: Marty rolls his eyes epicly

2009-06-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack swims back to the docks and pulls himself out of the water. "Not sure i deserved that" [epic jack sparrow line :D]

2009-06-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana pushes him again, "yea ya did ya bastard"

2009-06-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack looks at Morgana. "So no fixing this?"

2009-06-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana shakes her head, "no"

2009-06-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack shrugs. "Ok then. It was nice knowing u. And it was quite enjoyable too" Jack flashes a crooked smile.

2009-06-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana cocks her pistol.

2009-06-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack raises his hands. "It appears ive over stayed my welcome. I apologize Morgana." He turns and dives off the ship.

2009-06-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana nods then sits down staying quiet.

2009-06-28 [wolvie]: Marty frowns, not really sure what to say

2009-06-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana looks up at Marty, "i had a thing with him at one point in time but he couldnt just commit to my bed"

2009-06-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack swims to the dock and pulls himself up. "Where's the rum?" He walks towards a pub.

2009-06-28 [wolvie]: Marty frowns, "I'm sorry"

2009-06-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana shrugs, "I'll live"

2009-06-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack goes into the pub and gets a bottle of rum and sits in a dark corner. "I shouldnt have hurt Morgana like that" [possible retry on that kitty?]

2009-06-28 [wolvie]: Marty, "Anything I can do to help?" he asks kinda awkwwardly

2009-06-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana chuckles, "nah i dont think so but then again i cant think of anything"

2009-06-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack pulls out his only keepsake of his time with Morgana: a heart locket with her picture in it. He opens the locket and looks at her picture. He sighs.

2009-06-28 [wolvie]: Marty nods and smiles a little, "Well I think I'm going to hit the hay"

2009-06-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana smiles back and nods.

2009-06-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack drinks rum and talks to the picture. [he must be crazy]

2009-06-28 [wolvie]: Marty nods then limps off to his room

2009-06-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana frowns, "poor kid"

2009-06-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack gets uber drunk and thinks about Morgana.

2009-06-28 [wolvie]: Marty curls up in his bed

2009-06-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana smiles, "he'll be ok"

2009-06-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack keeps thinking about Morgana. i shouldnt have cheated on her

2009-06-28 [wolvie]: Marty falls deep asleep

2009-06-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana leans back on the deck falling asleep.

2009-06-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack looks at his half empty rum bottle and throws it away. He gets up and walks out of the pub.

2009-06-28 [wolvie]: Marty shivers slightly in his sleep

2009-06-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana falls outta her chair and sits up quickly.

2009-06-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack wanders down to the docks and sits, looking at the moon.

2009-06-28 [wolvie]: Marty rolls to his other side and keeps lightly shivering

2009-06-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana stretches and goes to check on her crew.

2009-06-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack looks at Morgana's ship. hmm...i bet i still know the secret way on it

2009-06-28 [wolvie]: Marty is having bad dreams and moans softly

2009-06-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack gets up and finds his secret way onto the ship. He sneaks into the cargo hold.

2009-06-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana frowns when she gets to Marty's room and gently shakes him.

2009-06-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack listens to the sounds of the ship, then quickly and quietly sneaks to Morganas room.

2009-06-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morph glares at Jack.

2009-06-28 [wolvie]: Marty jumps and wakes up, "Huh?"

2009-06-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana, "you ok?"

2009-06-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack smiles at Morph. "Hey little dude. Long time no see"

2009-06-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morph keeps glaring.

2009-06-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack tosses a Morph treat at Morph. "I know u like this little buddy"

2009-06-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morph shifts into come clippers XD

2009-06-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack, "Uh oh. Forgot about that" He hides.

2009-06-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morph shifts back to his normal form and nods.

2009-06-28 [wolvie]: Marty nods and slowly relaxes, "Yea"

2009-06-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack pokes his head out. "Can we talk about this?"

2009-06-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: morgana smiles, "good"

morph gives that why look.

2009-06-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack, "Becuz i feel really bad about wut i did. Although, u have to admit, me and u got along pretty good"

2009-06-28 [wolvie]: Marty smiles back, "Yeah"

2009-06-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morph crosses his arms.

2009-06-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack comes out and sits on a chair. "And i realize that i was a jackass and i shouldnt have cheated on Morgana"

2009-06-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morph shrugs.

Morgana nods, "thats good"

2009-06-29 [wolvie]: Marty nods and stretches a little, "Well goodnight captain"

2009-06-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana, "call me morgana"

2009-06-29 [wolvie]: Marty nods, "Yes captain Morgana"

2009-06-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana chuckles, "Just morgana"

2009-06-29 [wolvie]: Marty nods, "Ok"

2009-06-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana then heads to her cabin.

2009-06-29 [wolvie]: Marty lays back down and curls up

2009-06-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morgana lays down looking at the ceiling.

2009-06-29 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack smiles at Morph. "So will u not kill me?"

2009-06-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morph gives that im leaving that to morgana to decide look

2009-06-29 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack smiles. "Well, at least i know u wont hurt me"

2009-06-29 [wolvie]: Marty sighs a little

2009-06-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Morph rushes to Morgana

Morgana, "who's on my ship?"

2009-06-29 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jack stands up, grabs a bottle of rum, and dives out the nearest window, splashing into the water. He swims away.

2009-07-01 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: [hey ppl i want this wiki to keep going!!! >-< i wont be on much sooo yea!!! ]

2009-07-02 [Sky Chord]: He walked into the bar quietly, Staring at morgana with a small smirk then sitting down

2009-07-02 [wolvie]: Marty gets up slowly

2009-07-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [morgana's on her ship :D]

2009-07-02 [Sky Chord]: He looekd around and thought to himself ~I can have every single one of these people arrested..~ he sighed, grabbing a bottle of rum and drinking it

2009-07-07 [Phantomhive]: Walking around the docks, Marilin smiled to herself. Swinging her bottle of rum around, spilling some of it in the process. Her speech slightly slirred and her feet seem to move on it's own.

2009-07-13 [Phantomhive]: [This thing is still going. Isn't it?]

2009-08-09 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: [yes it is >-> and i just havent been online...but...HI GUYS!!! GUESS WHO! O.O]

2009-08-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [OMG YAY]

2009-08-09 [wolvie]: [*GASP!* lo :D]

2009-08-09 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: [lo =D]

2009-08-09 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [Wooooooooooooooooo!]

2009-08-09 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: [=D now now rp while im gone please!!! dont let this rp die!! T.T]

2009-08-09 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [Nooo, don't go!!!]

2009-09-21 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Jade`: *wakes up in a ally hung over, an empty bottle of rum in her left hand and her musket in the other* wow what a night

2009-09-21 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Ferra:*glances around with a sigh.*

2009-09-21 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Jade: *stands up and sighs* hmm

2009-09-24 [Phantomhive]: Marilin woke up on the docks, very hung over and still a bit sleepy. The sun making it impossible for her to fall back asleep, instead she got up with shaky steps to the nearest bar.

2009-10-05 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Jade: *would look into the water and sigh once again* this world is nothing but a black hole

2009-10-05 [Phantomhive]: Once Marilin got a few drinks in her to deal with the headache and miserable feeling, she headed off to well stumble around, at least until she got her footing back.

2009-10-06 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Jade: *she would sigh again as she starts walking around*

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